My Slice of Midwest Heaven

A place for my enthusiasms.

About me

Hello there! Welcome to my little patch of the world wide web.

I am…many things, like all of us. Here, I am an:

Amateur gardener. Aspiring seamstress. Sketching & painting enthusiast. Bread-baker, cake-maker, DIY-lover. I’ll try anything once and the list of my “wanna try this” is long. This blog will evolve as my interests do.

What zone am I in?

I garden in mid-central IL, Zone 5b. We begin planting on Mother’s day weekend every May (or winter sow when we cannot bear to wait) and get to enjoy and reap the beauty of gardens through November when typically our first frosts hit.

What do I write about?

Mostly my garden. This site is a chronicle of my efforts and my evolving garden beds, mostly. In winter when I dream of earth and seeds and green, I will tackle sewing projects and share those. In between, there may be posts about food, random thoughts and sundry bits.

It may all be quite self-absorbed and boring, honestly.